
The Integrity Sales System begins with the 6-Step Sales Process you will learn about in this Sales Training Camp. The sales process begins with an initial verbal contact and follows the subsequent steps through completion—either a sale or a no thanks. This Process defines the milestones along the sales path so that sales people can clearly see where they are and what steps to take next.


There are several advantages that come from using the Griffin Hill Process:

  • Salespeople embrace a common language that brings duplicable results.

  • The common language engenders a positive and winning sales culture for the organization.

  • The 6 steps provide a structure that guides them through the sales.


The implementation of the Process delivers a number of distinct and profitable benefits:

  • Salespeople gain a new level of confidence and professionalism that is recognized by their clients and rewarded with higher close rates and greater financial success.

  • Sales cycles are shortened as pseudo-prospects are automatically purged from the pipeline when progress isn’t being made.

  • Business volume increases as sales cycles are naturally shortened.

  • Company image and prestige improve as a new sales culture takes root and professionalism is recognized by the marketplace.